
You can compile Carob data yourself if you have basic familiarity with the git and R software.

  1. Install software

If you do not have these programs, first install the current version of R (download it here), and git. If you are not familiar with command line tools, you can install github desktop

  1. Clone the Carob repo

clone the Carob repo (repository) from github to your computer. You can use github desktop or another git program. On the command line you can use:

git clone
  1. Install the carobiner package

Open R and install R package “carobiner” with these line of R code:

# first install package "remotes" if need be
# install carobiner
  1. Compile

In R you can now run:


where "path" needs to be replaced with the name of the folder where the carob repo was cloned to. E.g. "D:/github/carob" (note the forward slashes). Alternatively, on the command line, navigate to the carob repo folder and run build_carob.bat (or ./ on linux). This will download all individual datasets and standardize them. The process will take some time the first time you run it.

  1. Look at the data

Navigate to the “data/compiled” folder in the repo to find the data files. There should be data and metadata files for each group

  1. Update

Once in a while, to update to the latest version, you can do git pull and then run the commands described under #3 again. It is also good to regularly install the latest version of “carobiner” with:
